Go Girl: Period Parity, One Cup at a Time

Go Girl: Period Parity, One Cup at a Time

March 21, 2024


Case Study: Go Girl (Menstrual Cup Distribution Programme by Dr. M.K. Muneer)

Forget pink ribbons and flowery speeches. In Calicut, Kerala, women are making a statement, not with words, but with action. Meet "Go Girl," a menstrual cup brand born from a powerful collaboration between Yara Communications and the visionary MLA, M.K. Muneer. Partnering with MLA M.K. Muneer, we named and designed packaging for the menstrual cup brand. Our mission? Distribute 25,000 cups, shattering period taboos and empowering women across the constituency.

March 8th International Women’s Day: Where it Began

Think Clara Zetkin, 1910. A spark that ignited International Women's Day, a celebration of female achievement and a call for equality. This year's theme, "Inspire Inclusion," finds perfect resonance in Go Girl because periods shouldn't be a barrier to opportunity. Go Girl isn't just a product; it's a symbol. A reusable cup, a silent rebellion against bulky pads and societal stigma. It whispers, "You are more than your period. Flow free, dream big, Go Girl!" Imagine 25,000 women, liberated from period anxieties, striding towards their dreams. That's impact, measured not in applause, but in empowered lives. So, this Women's Day, let's raise the metaphorical cup (Go Girl) to the countless women all over. Let's remember, that inclusion isn't a hashtag, it's a tangible action. It's ensuring women have the freedom to move, lead, and bleed without limitations. Because when we empower women, we empower humanity. Now, go forth, queens, and inspire the world.


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