We designed the identity for ABM4, a company that focuses on providing high quality dental and other medical equipment. Since their vision focuses on customer satisfaction and authenticity, we decided to design an identity that reflects the values of the organisation and came up with a typographic logo that speaks of the company enabling it to be etched into the memory of its customers.

The AMB4 logo has been designed keeping in mind the personal element that the name has and the corporate weight it carries. The M and 4 has turned into a mutually inclusive entity, which signifies - the four children who are partners. The highlight on the letter A signifies the respect and leadership that the father enjoys.

The colour palette is chosen with three colours to balance the letters in the name - A, B and M. A deep hue of Aegean blue is used to signify trust, wisdom and loyalty. Ochre colour signifies stability and awareness while red signifies energy and power.
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